Repair If You Care

This website aims to provide information to readers about the link
between repairing appliances and protecting our natural environment.

This link may seem far removed but through repairing and caring for appliances, the burden on waste landfill sites is greatly reduced. How? Quite simply by extending the life of the appliance rather than throwing it away. This means there is less pollution from hazardous substances seeping into the ground, less of our countryside is used for waste disposal, biodiversity is encouraged, and we can all enjoy a healthier, greener environment with less pollution.

And so Europart thought of the name "Repair if you Care" to promote this idea to the consumer. Indeed European legislation is demanding that industry, as well as consumers, play their part in preventing further degradation of the environment - the Waste Electrical and Electronic Directive (WEEE) 2002/96/EC is a major step forward in this area. In conjunction with this Directive is the Reduction of Hazardous Substances Directive (ROHS)2002/95/EC.

Both Directives can be read and downloaded from the European Union's website; You can also read more about under the legislation heading.